
Protein Strong Shake

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Makes: approx. 1 1/2 cups

Prep: 5 min   Cook: 0 min


1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (where 1 cup = 0.5 g protein, 1 g net carb, 5 g fat)

1/3 cup + 1 ½ tablespoons (33 g) KetoGEN™

1/2 scoop Protein Powder (where 1 scoop or 32 g powder = 25 g protein, 1 g net carb)

1/2 medium avocado

1/2 cup ice


Vanilla, pure or extract (to taste)

Sweetener of choice (if desired)


  1. Add all ingredients to blender
  2. Blend to preferred consistency


  • Water does not affect the ketogenic ratio. Add as much ice as you wish.
  • Ice can provide a “slush” like texture.

PER 1 1/2 CUPS

Calories: 502 | Protein: 21.0 g | Fat: 43.3 g | Net Carb: 3.0 g | Ratio: 1.8:1

Note: The amount of fat, protein and carbohydrate differs between brands. To obtain an accurate ketogenic ratio, it is suggested to use an online calculator or contact Medica Nutrition at